Typically, when you are ill such as the cold or flu, you probably would soldier on, go to work and get the job done without a doubt. However, when you feel stressed, panicked and depressive you will likely take some sick leave.
"The coronavirus has had a huge impact on everyone, most people are going through the same process of panic buying, fear of illness and stress.After all that stress, the next stage is quarantine, But when you have to social distancing, isolation, and physically limited, what do you do ?"
Quarantine has a serious impact on mental heath. Here’s how to support yourself while in lockdown.
Weeding: when we are busy with work its always difficult to get all the weeding done on our bonsai, now is a perfect time to eradicate your weed problem. Seeds may sprout after weeding, thats the best time to finish them off once and for all.
Preparing for repotting: It’s likely you won’t be able to have sufficient time to gather repotting materials later on this year, so stock up now in readiness for the upcoming repotting season.
- De-wiring: now is a good time to desire your junipers, cedar, cypress and spruce. Japanese Black pine and red pine can also be de-wired with caution not to break off undignified buds. Styling: It’s now ok thin out and wire up Junipers, spruce, cypress and cedar. Trimming shoots emerging from the crotch of a junction, and downward facing shoots will help you achieve the best outcome for your trees.
Needle Pluck and bud selection: Japanese Black and Red pines will soon lignify (lignification is the browning and hardening into wood process of new growth) and so then it will be a great time to begin needle plucking and bud selection. The checklist for selecting the best buds is as follows: 1. the two buds should be equal in strength, 2. The two buds should be laterally emerging, 3. The two buds should create a small crotch junction.These three points will help you achieve the best ramification on your pines
Needle plucking to 5 pairs of needles at the very tip of the bud will allow light into the inner buds, and allow for greater airflow through the foliage. The number of needles is very important as it will help you achieve homogeneous growth all over the tree.
Photography: As Autumn sets in, you deciduous trees will start to shine, why not get some progress shots in all their glory? Try to find a space where you can have a screen background to show off the fine ramification you have been working on.
Clean up that bark: With a soft brass wire brush, gently scrape the grey bark off your junipers to reveal the stunning soft red skin underneath, now you are one step closer to show ready!
Clean that Jin: Using an old toothed brush and some water, scrub off all the grime, lichen, moss and algae off the bins and shari of your conifers. Washing the deadwood down after with a hose before applying lime sulphur to set the wood ghostly white. Note: For best results try to have the dead wood only slightly damp, and mix the lime sulphur in a 1:1 ratio with water. Warning! Do Not drip the lime sulphur onto the soil, use an old towel to cover the soil before starting.
Clean your tools! Its time to clean up and sharpen your tools, and give them a light dressing of wd-40 to protect them from rust. Ensure to wipe off any excess oil with a rag as it can be damaging to your trees.
Styling: It’s now ok thin out and wire up Junipers, spruce, cypress and cedar. Trimming shoots emerging from the crotch of a junction, and downward facing shoots will help you achieve the best outcome for your trees.
Have fun! Isolation doesn’t have to be depressive. Practicing bonsai is a great way to stay optimistic, In times of isolation, having a hobby such as bonsai is a great way of providing self support.